What Clients Say About Us

“Dear Nelson,

When our daughter was killed by a drunk driver, our grandson was without a mother, our son-in-law was without a wife, and we were faced with not only the emotional tragedy of losing a child, but also the task of finding a means of rectifying this grave wrong. It became obvious that most of the law firms’ first interest was money.

Fortunately, we found you. From our first meeting, you showed a compassion and genuine interest in our emotional welfare. We immediately formed a bond of trust. You talked with each family member and genuinely listened to our pain to better know our daughter. You offered us hope and a means to find solace and closure to the great grief we were experiencing.

As we worked through the legal process, we have repeatedly been deeply impressed with your attentiveness to details, to your sincere commitments of keeping us informed, and being a counselor with a heart. You are the epitome of what a true professional attorney should be, and we thank you for that.”

La Jean Nichols

“Attorney Nelson O. Tyrone to say he has been an invaluable asset for the work we do here. He has worked tirelessly, and the work he has done has helped to change the lives of the men in our program, to say his work has been phenomenal is the understatement of the millennium.

I have to thank him for all of his help, for putting up with my endless calls and request over the years to assist our clients with parole violations, old cases that they had neglected to deal with while living their lives in the grips of addiction. They could not focus on a future if they had to constantly worry about the past. Nelson Tyrone never turned his back on the residents of Covenant Community. Since 1998 or 97′ he has given his time and services Pro-bono to this program believing in the mission of the program to return these men to their family and community as productive citizens. He is a great Lawyer, a credit to the profession and above all, a gentleman. His frank honesty to our clients and myself although scary at times is refreshing in the long run.

Thank you for your patience and persistence. Ultimately, everything played out exactly as he said it would. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to you and I will never forget what you have done to help our clients.”

Juelz Mitchell, CACII
Program Director
Covenant Community, Inc

“When I was faced with being charged an alleged criminal offense by the District Court of the United States, I was afraid, intimidated and feeling hopeless. At my arraignment, I met a young intelligent and eager attorney who proposed to take my case. As I maintained my innocence, that attorney, Nelson Tyrone, made a commitment to me that he would fight incessantly to protect my freedom and he never took the easy road that many defense attorneys do. I found Mr. Tyrone to be more than someone I could trust, he also gave me hope when everything seemed bleak in my life. Mr. Tyrone defended me against the United States with all their might and resources and produced a landmark case. It was the first win of a case of its kind against the United States in this district. I am forever grateful to have encountered such a man who lives with the depth of ethic and integrity that Attorney Tyrone possesses. My family and I are eternally thankful for him.”

Carla Kinsey

“Nelson Tyrone is an intelligent, knowledgeable, energetic, compassionate, and honest attorney who vigorously protects the interests of his clients. He is always accessible to his clients answering questions and listening to their concerns. His high moral character and impeccable reputation make him a well-respected and preferred attorney in the metro Atlanta area. Nelson epitomizes what is honorable in the law profession. He stands on his principles, moral code, and the law to earn his clients the justice they deserve. We were proud to have Nelson represent us and our case in our pursuit for justice. He is the attorney you need to represent you.”

Randy and Sherry Green

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