Referrals Old

Associations With Referring Attorneys and Firms:

Associations With Other Lawyers:

We are routinely associated by attorneys who do not regularly handle trial work in serious injury and wrongful death cases.

We have handled cases with associating attorneys in Nebraska, California, Mississippi, New York, Tennessee and throughout Georgia. We believe we can inrease the value of any recovery for clients for their cases in trial. We utilize jury consultants, client therapists, and wide variety of state-of-the art advocacy tools to discover the client’s story and inspire the jury to achieve justice through compensation with their verdict.

Finally, we believe in a team approach. Only after countless hours of jointly working with the client and the referring firm can we discover the right mix of lawyer and issue to bring the greatest success to the client and to the referring firm.

Please contact us to discuss your firm’s case. We look forward to working with you and working for your client.

Associations With Criminal Defense Lawyers:

My first “life” in the law was representing people accused of crimes. I was mentored by the best: Ed Garland and Don Samuel at Garland, Samuel & Loeb. Sitting second chair to them, I learned “in the trenches” how to handle witnesses, judge and jury.

As I transitioned my practice to representing injured people, I soon learned that, but for aspects of the trial work, the two areas have nothing to do with one another. The subject matter, substantive law and evidence issues are as distinct as night and day. Carrying the burden of proof is a world apart from picking apart a case as a defense lawyer.

For a period of time during my transition I handled both criminal and plaintiff’s cases. I found it a compromise. Like trying to raise two seperate families. Neither one ends up happy with you. You miss things and you end up exhausted. For that reason, I decided I could not handle both.

On the other hand, I know (like few Plaintiff’s Lawyers do) that Criminal Defense lawyers can handle themselves in trial. They have been called (like it or not) before more judges and juries than any other kind of lawyer. They need to be part of any trial for the client and not sitting on the sidelines.

These are the reasons that countless Criminal Defense attorneys call on me when their former client or client’s family is involved in a serious, permanent injury or suffers a death. They know I value their involvement and that I can take the lead on getting the case to trial.

Criminal Defense lawyers who associate our firm find that our referral agreements are the msot generous in the state. That is what is best for the client, for their firm, and for the case.

If you are a criminal defense attorney considering handling a serious injury or wrongful death case, contact us to let us take the heavy lifting off your hands. You will sleep better knowing the client is represented by a team – your firm and ours.

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