Here at The Tyrone Law Firm, we do all we can to help families of children with birth injuries, such as cerebral palsy. In fact, we have dedicated members of our staff who have had to navigate the system on their own. We hope that these posts can bring new resources and information to you and your family:

What is Cerebral Palsy (CP)? Although over 10,000 children are diagnosed with CP every year, this is a question many parents find themselves asking. Cerebral (brain) Palsy (lack of muscle control) is defined as a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and/or other disabilities, typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. There are 4 main types of cerebral palsy, but spastic CP is the most common.

Cerebral Palsy can affect the body in different ways. Not all children diagnosed with CP are in a wheelchair and not all children require braces on their legs. In fact, 2/3 children with a CP diagnosis can walk. Symptoms can become more severe and/or noticeable over time.

With damage to the motor control centers of the brain, voluntary and involuntary motor skills do not function properly. Children can have problems with walking and talking, and completing daily tasks, such as self-help skills. Some children may also have co-existing conditions that are related to CP, such as vision and hearing impairment.

The most common signs of CP are:

The most common signs of cerebral palsy include: problems with movement and stiffness on one side of the body, involuntary or jerky movements, lack of coordination, drooling, seizures or epilepsy, delayed speech and motor skills, incontinence and gastrointestinal problems. Children may have all or some of these factors.

There is no cure or real treatment for CP. Children are treated according to their symptoms. Music therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy are common for treatment of cp symptoms. Keeping up with your child’s healthcare appointments is critical in their care.

To find out more about cerebral palsy, you can visit the Cerebral Palsy Guide at on the web. If our firm can ever be of more assistance to you or someone you know, please contact us at The Tyrone Law Firm.


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